Public Procurement: the right organisation and competences to ensure value for money to public administrations
National and international experts in public administration and public procurement will debate important topics such as:
• Founding principles of public procurement
• How to ensure a greater share of public spending to small enterprises
• How to manage innovation in public procurement
• Contracting authorities: from administrative bodies to competence centers specialized on some categories of goods and services and focused on results achieved and efficiency
9.40 – 12.20
14.00 – 18.30
Conductor: Marina Lindič, President of Slovenian Purchasing Association (ZNS) and Past President of IFPSM
14.00 – 14.15
Welcome greetings by Fabrizio Santini and Chris Oanda, Presidents of ADACI and IFPSM
Introduction by Giovanni Atti, Past President ADACI and Member of the Board of IFPSM
14.15 – 14.45
New Code of Public Contracts: the challenge of results to be
achieved and trust in public operators
Claudio Contessa, President of VII section of the Italian
State Council
14.45 – 15.10
A Code based on principles to ensure reciprocity,
transparency and respect of competition
Valeria Vittimberga, Procurement Executive of INPS, National Social Insurance Agency
15.10 – 15.35
Think big, act small: Public Procurement and SMEs
Gustavo Piga, Professor of Economics and Director of the International Master in Public Procurement Management at University of Rome Tor Vergata
15.35 – 16.00
Digitalization to open the public market
del Balzo, Member of ANAC, the Italian National Anti-Corruption Authority
16.00 – 16.20
Coffee break
16.20 – 16.50
Inclusive public procurement: leaving no one behind
Eric Korir, Director of Public Procurement Department of the National Treasury, Republic of Kenya
16.50 – 17.15
Emerging trend in Public Procurement
H.K. Sharma, National President of Indian Institute of Materials Management
17.15 – 17.40
The solutions in the Israeli Public Procurement Law to
shorten the tender times
Gil Zefoni, CEO of Israeli Purchasing & Logistics Managers Association (IPLMA)
17.40 – 18.05
The Role of Dispute Adjudication Board in the implementation
of Contract Works in Developing Economies – Africa Continental Free Trade Area
as a case
Tetteh Affotey-Walters, public procurement, logistics and contracts expert, Ghana
18.05 – 18.30
The Impact of Founding Principles of Public Procurement on Procurement Reform in Nigeria
Abdul A. Mamman, Lead Procurement Consultant Charterhouse Consulting CIPSMN, Nigeria
18.30 Closure of the Procurement Public Session
18.30 – 21.00
Dinner by reservation at Palazzo Pucci

9.00 – 9.30
Welcome Coffee
9.30 – 12.30
ADACI Medicea event (members and guests) – Palazzo Borghese
simultaneously to
9.00 – 12.00
IFPSM Europe Meeting
IFPSM Africa Meeting
IFPSM Asia-Pacific Meeting – Palazzo Borghese
(Private meeting)
12.45 – 13.15
Lunch Buffet – Palazzo Borghese
13.30 – 15.30
IFPSM Board Meeting – Palazzo Vecchio
(Private meeting)
simultaneously to
14.00- 15.45
ADACI Medicea event, Excellence Award (Salone dei Cinquecento) – Palazzo Vecchio
16.00 – 17.00
Grand Opening of the Summit (Salone dei Cinquecento) * – Palazzo Vecchio
Conductor: Fabrizio Santini, President of ADACI
Giovanni Atti, Past President ADACI and Member of the Board of IFPSM
Welcome greetings and introduction by:
Fabrizio Santini, President of ADACI
Chris Oanda, President of IFPSM
Dario Nardella, Mayor of Florence
Don Giovanni Momigli, Director of the Office for Social and Labour Affairs – Diocese of Florence (on behalf of His Eminence Cardinal Giuseppe Betori)
Eugenio Giani, President of Tuscany
17.00 – 17.40
Current status of Artificial Intelligence, its main applications within the supply chain, and future perspectives
Piero Poccianti, Member of the Board of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence
17.40 – 17.50
Professional profiles in Supply Chain and technical standardization
Giacomo Riccio, Technical Project Manager UNI (Ente Italiano di Normazione)
17.50 – 18.20
Round table on the theme: “Innovation and talent management to ensure company’s competitive edge”
Eli Lilly, Hitachi, Gucci and Mukki
18.25 – 18.40
Delivery of IFPSM President Award
Delivery of ADACI Excellence Awards
Welcome Dinner (by reservation) at Palazzo Borghese
Dress Code: Dark Suit
*LIMITED SEATS – The participation will be confirmed by email by ADA

8.30 – 9.00
Welcome Coffee
9.00 – 12.15
Registration of Summit Participants
9.30 – 12.45
IFPSM Council
(Private meeting)
9.00 – 12.30
CPO Lounge ADACI (only for World Summit participants)
13.00 – 14.00
Lunch Buffet
Conductor: Frediano Finucci, Head of Economics and Foreign News of La7 TV News
Greetings from: President of ADACI (Fabrizio Santini),
President of IFPSM (Chris Oanda) and CEO of IFPSM (Markku Henttinen)
World geopolitical framework and risk of recession
Erkki Liikanen, former European Commissioner and Governor of Bank of Finland
14.45 – 15.15
Where Are We in the Credit Cycle – How to tackle inflation in USA and Europe and Geopolitics effects
Edward J. Altman, Prof. of Finance at New York University’s – Stern School of Business
Gabriele Sabato, Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer Wiserfunding
15.15 – 15.45
In the space of the possible
Edwige Pezzulli, Postdoctoral fellow, astrophysicist and science communicator
15.45 – 16.05
Coffee break
Round table on the theme: “Alliances for Sustainable Supply Chain Development”
Costantino Chessa, Head of procurement Eni
Marcello Bariani, Chief Procurement Officer Baker Hughes
Daniela Bernacchi, Executive Director – UN Global Compact Network Italy
Fabrizio Santini, President of ADACI and CEO of ADACI Formanagement
16.30 – 16.55
Dynamic times call for dynamic buying strategies
Christel Constant, Executive Board Member for Marketing, Sales and Customer Success, Unite
16.55 – 17.50
We help make the world a healthier place
Stephane de Saint Jean, Senior VP Global Purchasing bioMérieux
Talent Management the Game – Changing Pillar of P&SCM
Giovanni Atti, Past President ADACI and Member of the Board of IFPSM
17.50 – 18.05
Procurement strategies and Kraljic’s evergreen matrix
Peter Kralijc, Director Emeritus at McKinsey and Inventor of the procurement strategy matrix
18.05 – 18.35
Sustainability in procurement for a better tomorrow
Gundula Ullah, Chairwoman of BME and CPO of FUNKE Mediengruppe
18.35 – 18.50
Question & Answer
18.50 Closing of the session
20.45 – 23.00
Gala Dinner at Palazzo borghese (by reservation)
Dress Code: Dark Suit
On the morning of Saturday 23 September there will be two parallel sessions, one in the Main Hall and the other in the Green Room of the Palazzo Congressi.

Conductor Frediano Finucci, Head of Economics and Foreign News of La7 TV News
9.00 – 9.25
Digitalization of procurement in Latin America: opportunites and challenges
Cesar Leal, APROCAL Mexico
9.30 – 10.30
Round table on the theme: “How to fight inflaction and manage the storm impacting supply chains, while ensuring resiliance and innovation”
Giacinto Carullo, Chief Procurement and Supply Chain Officer Leonardo
Maurizio Petronzi, Head of Procurement & Operations of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti
Marina Lindič, Past
President of IFPSM and President of Slovenian Purchasing Association
10.30 – 10.45
Unlocking indirect spend’s potential in a dynamic context: Why it should
matter for a successful procurement strategy
Elisabetta Bollini, Country Manager Italy Unite
Golden sponsor
10.50 – 11.20
Coffee break
11.20 – 11.45
Reengineering of global supply chains to foster reshoring, speed and transparency
Jean-Philippe Collin, CNA (Conseil National des Achats)
Board Member
11.45 – 12.00
The Welfare Equation: enhancing individual wellbeing and maximizing productivity in
the corporate world
David Hollmann, Sales Director Canali System
Golden sponsor
12.00 – 12.30
Leader as the essence of the team. “Life is a mixture of episodes and decisions that you bravely decide to face”
Maurizia Cacciatori, Italian sports icon and motivational speaker
12.30 – 13.00
Contracts in professional sport: athletes, sponsors, suppliers and customers
Pierfilippo Capello, Head of Sports Deloitte Italy
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch buffet
Conductor: Frediano Finucci – Head of Economics-Foreign News of La7 TV News
14.00 – 14.25
Overview of the economy and procurement in main African countries
Outline of macro-economy, procurement and supply chains in Asia Pacific
Cai Jin, expert in macroeconomics, VP of IFPSM and VP of CFLP China
14.50 – 15.15
Value proposition of Procurement: from ordering office to promoter of strategic
and innovative partnerships
Andreas Wetjen, VP Procurement Airbus Germany
15.15 – 15.35
Forecasting commodity prices and managing your risk and hedgings in a volatile world
Tom Bundgaard, Chief Analyst Mintec Ltd
Platinum sponsor
15.35 – 15.55
Coffee break
15.55 – 16.15
Added value of artificial intelligence in procurement
Platinum sponsor
16.15 – 16.55
CPO round table on the theme: “Business and supply management strategies in the current innovation system”
Cav. Valentino Mercati, founder and President of Aboca
Roberto de Mari, Head of Group Procurement, Corporate Service & HSSE, Banca Mediolanum
Pietro Geremia, Chairman & CEO of San Marco Group
Paolo Marnoni, Head of Central Procurement BCC Iccrea group
Digital Procurement Transformation through Government eMarketplace Strengthening
Hendrar Prihadi, Chief of NPPA (National Public Procurement Agency) of Indonesia
Presentation of IFPSM 2024 World Summit
Closure of the IFPSM 2023 World Summit by Chris Oanda, President of IFPSM, and Fabrizio Santini, President of ADACI
20.45 – 24.00
Farewell Dinner (by reservation) at the panoramic B-Roof restaurant (Baglioni Hotel)
Dress Code: Informal

Conductors: Marina Lindič, Past President of IFPSM and President of Slovenian Purchasing Association
Federica Dallanoce, Vice President of ADACI
9.00 – 9.25
Procurement risk management in the current economic scenario
Heiko Hartkamp, Head of Purchasing Technology Swisscom
9.30 – 10.05
Round table on the theme: “Procurement & Logistic: the right combination
to boost efficiency and costumer satisfaction”
Andrea Colzani, Global Category Manager Logistics IKEA
Diego Pedroli, Procurement Director illycaffè
Fabrizio Santini, President of ADACI and CEO of ADACI Formanagement
10.05 – 10.25
Leverages and tools to boost the sustainable development of local supplier
Jean Luc Yaba, Chef de Dèpartment Achats & Approvisionnements – Centrale Electrique Du Congo SA (an Eni associated company)
Enrico Ferrari, Head of Upstream procurement Europe, Australasia, Americas & Middle East region Eni spa
10.25 – 11.00
Round table on the theme: “Roles, competences and organization to improve public procurement efficiency”
Roberto Grisci, Executive Central Procurement INPS
Gil Zefoni, President of Israeli Purchasing & Logistics Managers Association (IPLMA)
11.00 – 11.20
Coffee break
11.20 – 11.35
An exciting challenge for our Group: making sustainability sustainable!
Davide Cucchi, Chief Operating Officer Licat and Romani Components
Golden sponsor
11.35 – 12.00
Procurement taking advantage of technology
Mariusz Geraltowski, President of Polish Supply Management Leaders (PSML)
12.00 – 12.25
Challenges and constraints of Procurement in Africa
Pamela Marendi, practicing Supply Chain Professional Kenya
12.25 – 12.40
From reactive to proactive Risk management: enhance supplier interaction and visibility to prevent Supply Chain disruptions
Olivier Berrouiguet, CEO Synertrade

Niccolò Campriani, Los Angeles International Olympic
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch buffet
Conductor: Frediano Finucci – Head of Economics-Foreign News of La7 TV News
14.00 – 14.25
Overview of economy and procurement in main African countries
14.30 – 14.50
Cai Jin, expert in macroeconomics, VP of IFPSM and VP of CFLP China
14.50 – 15.15
Value proposition of Procurement: from ordering office to promoter of strategic
and innovative partnerships
Andreas Wetjen, VP Procurement Airbus Germany
15.15 – 15.35
Forecasting commodity prices and managing your risk and hedgings in a volatile world
Tom Bundgaard, Chief Analyst Mintec Ltd
Platinum sponsor
15.35 – 15.55
Coffee break
15.55 – 16.15
Added value of artificial intelligence in procurement
Platinum sponsor
16.15 – 16.55
CPO round table on the theme: “Business and supply management strategies in the current innovation system”
Cav. Valentino Mercati, founder and President of Aboca
Roberto de Mari, Head of Group Procurement, Corporate Service & HSSE, Banca Mediolanum
Pietro Geremia, Chairman & CEO of San Marco Group
Paolo Marnoni, Head of Central Procurement BCC Iccrea group
Digital Procurement Transformation through Government eMarketplace Strengthening
Hendrar Prihadi, Chief of NPPA (National Public Procurement Agency) of Indonesia
Presentation of IFPSM 2024 World Summit
Closure of the IFPSM 2023 World Summit by Chris Oanda, President of IFPSM, and Fabrizio Santini, President of ADACI
20.45 – 24.00
Farewell Dinner (by reservation) at the panoramic B-Roof restaurant (Baglioni Hotel)
Dress Code: Informal