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The IFPSM, founded in London in 1974, connects 46 national associations and over 250,000 procurement operators who globally manage an order book of $ 3.4 trillion. IFPSM supports the development of competitive, efficient, innovative and sustainable Procurement and Supply Chain Management functions globally. It is an exclusive international network that analyses and debates strategic procurement and supply chain management issues. It also provides opportunities for the promotion of the profession and for the competence qualification of procurement operators. 

ADACI & ADACI Formanagement

ADACI, born in 1968, is one of the Founders of IFPSM, and represents the national reference point in terms of procurement and supply management.
Its mission is to support the cultural and professional growth of its members through conferences, workshops, round tables, networking, studies and research, publications, education and training courses. These are aimed at providing professional qualifications and the adequate positioning of procurement in the Italian business landscape.

ADACI Formanagement is a company controlled by the Association, dealing with training and consultancy in procurement, supply management and logistics.